Kategori: Workshop
FLOKKR Lab – Roskilde Festival
Hvordan inspirerer og støtter vi unge i kampen om en bæredygtig global fremtid? Roskilde Festival strækker sig ud over festivalen, bl.a. gennem deres “Learning Labs”, hvor PLURA er inviteret med til at undervise og støtte deltagerne unge engagerede i deres arbejde om at udvikle programindhold til årets Roskilde Festival. De unge deltagere er fra forskellige ungdomsorganisationer,…
Rødding Højskole: Worldbuilding og design social forandring
Vi afholdt en intensiv tre-dages workshop for eleverne på Design & Innovations-linjen på Rødding Højskole med fokus på worldbuilding som et værktøj til design og innovation. Under workshoppen skabte eleverne små oplevelser, hvor de inviterede hinanden ind i fantasifulde, fiktive verdener. Gennem denne kreative proces fandt de nye måder at udvikle konkrete projekter og initiativer…
Kaospilot+ Berlin: Idegenerering og at finde sin vision
We had the opportunity host a workshop for the students at KAOSPILOT+ in Berlin, where we led a two-day session for the students to train their ability to imagine and gain clarity on their final projects. This extended duration allowed for a more immersive experience, incorporating a multitude of exercises, in-depth discussions, and moments of…
KRAS: Kreativ tænkning som kompetence
Vi er taknemmelige for at være blevet inviteret to gange til at undervise deltagerne på KRAS i vores tilgang til kreativ tænkning. Vores sessions bestod af en kombination af gruppeaktiviteter, individuelle opgaver, refleksionsmomenter og praktiske projektidéer. Vi har fortsat med at anvende vores rammeværk omkring ‘worldbuilding’ og udstyret deltagerne med konkrete værktøjer, som de kan…
BANG! Festival: Re-imagine Youth Education
As part of the BANG! Learning Innovation Festival, a collaborative effort between Kaospilot, Politecnico di Milano, and The Big Idea, young people from five different nationalities gathered in Aarhus for a week. Their mission was to explore innovative ideas and gather inspiration for the future of education. During this event, we had the privilege of…
Ungdommens Folkemøde: Collaborative Worldbuilding Game
Invited by Ungdommens Folkemøde, we participated as a part of P3 Missionen, focusing on the overarching theme, “What makes you happy?” This exploration centered on the well-being of young people in Denmark. Our contribution involved a game designed to collaboratively construct fictional worlds and engage with them. These games resulted in a lot of co-created…
Speciale Festivalen: Drop-in Worldbuilding Workshop
As part of the Thesis Festival at Station, we created a dedicated space, an creative extension of the larger festival, where participants could come together to process the insights gained from the thesis presentations and turn their inspiration into a shared ‘Protopia.’ This collective vision represented new perspectives for the future in an artistic form.…